Saturday, December 28, 2013

-4/365 New Year's Resolution

I have never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. I tell myself every year that I am going to eat healthier, lose weight, read more, etc. and obviously, according to my size 7 jeans and dusty bookshelf, I never follow through. So this year, I refuse to make any figure changing goals. My only attempt at a resolution is to capture a little more time; take notes on my life. This year has gone by way too fast and I wish I would have stopped and taken a little more time to enjoy it. So hopefully, by reflecting as often as possible, I will learn to appreciate the little things a tiny bit more. 2013 has been one hell of a year. I learned that I have the power to change my life. I have learned that life is way too short to be unhappy. I have learned that you only have one lifetime to live, so you may as well spend it how you’d like and stop caring what anyone else thinks. I have learned that sometimes, mom and dad aren't always right. Sometimes they are, but you have to make your own mistakes; mistakes are quite often the fun part of growing up. I have learned that life may throw you a curve ball, and that is okay. How boring and unadventurous would life be if it was a one way road, all highway, with no beautiful and winding back roads?

Tonight, I kicked off my resolution and documented our delicious dinner. I have been on a baking spree due to my new KitchenAid so today, we decided to make homemade pizza for dinner. I would love to share my Grandmother's dough recipe, but it is on strict lock-down for Denton family members only. However, here is a link to one of my favorites from All Recipes. Ours was simply topped with tomato sauce, cheese, mushrooms, olives, and turkey pepperoni. I never realized how much money we were wasting on frozen pizzas, even buying the cheap kinds. We made two HUGE pizzas for under $5. However, we had most of the ingredients in our kitchen and only had to buy vegetables and pepperoni. We also had enough dough left over to make honey bread for breakfast tomorrow. As a couple, we are trying to cook at home more to save money and keep our food simple and a little healthier...

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