Friday, October 4, 2013

Timing and Fate

"Sometimes, it's okay to take a step back and admit you are being ridiculous."

Healing is a beautiful process. It takes time. But sometimes, just when I feel okay, the little voice in my head fills me with all sorts of nasty thoughts. This journey is making me learn more about myself than I ever thought possible. It is amazing how when you are pushed to your limits you realize how strong you are. I have learned to trust myself. I have learned to watch what I say. I have learned that we all have bad days. I have learned it is okay to be alone. I have learned that timing has a funny way of playing out. I believe in fate. I have learned that sometimes, the best thing to say is nothing at all. I have learned that we can’t change the past, but through all of the bad, there is always some form of a blessing. I have learned that the best ideas come from hot showers and long drives to nowhere. I have learned to say no. I have learned that I am not responsible for anyone else’s happiness. I have learned that when you are stressing out about something simply stop and have a cup of tea. But most importantly, I have learned that I am not broken; I will never let this break me.  

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