Monday, August 11, 2014

No Sew Wreath

For some reason, because I can crochet, people think I can sew. But the truth is, I almost failed home economics in high school because I couldn't even sew a straight line. I think part of it has to do with the fact that I got in a fight with a sewing machine when I was twelve and the sewing machine won, resulting in 3 stitches. And because people think I can sew, their left over fabric always ends up in my crafting closet. Fabric that is much too beautiful to be thrown away. So with the help of Pinterest for inspiration, I created this lovely wreath for my mom's birthday gift...and it was made with the leftover fabric from her wedding!


Step 1: Untwist a wire hanger into a circle. It doesn't have to be perfect because the fabric covers it all!

Step 2: Cut or tear strips of fabric. I tore mine to make the edges frayed. My strips were about an inch wide and seven inches long.

Step 3: Begin to tie the strips around the hanger with a basic knot. Be sure to keep it tight and to push the fabric close together.

Step 4: Once all of the fabric is on, don't forget to "fluff" it up by turning the ribbons. Feel free to decorate it however you want! I just added a simple flower, but I will be going all out for my wreath at Christmas!

Step 5: Hang and enjoy!

Before the fabric was recycled, it made gorgeous table coverings!

1 comment:

  1. Love my wreath made with my wedding table cloths!!!
