Monday, June 9, 2014

Does Size Matter?

I got into a debate today over if size matters...about gyms of course, and I decided to prove that it doesn't! I have a membership to a very large, pretty high tech gym...but I usually don't feel like driving/it's late/I don't have gas/etc. and I just end up working out at our apartment gym. It is tiny. And I mean tiny. But it gets the job done, and that is what is important, right? Another positive is that I normally get the whole place to myself which means I can go headphone free, watch whatever I want, and sing and dance while I workout! This is also a great workout for hotel gyms. I was in a "I'm bored with my workout" mood so this kept things interesting and shook up my routine!

Apartment/Hotel Gym Workout...

Warm Up - Treadmill
Jog 5 mph - 12 minutes
Walk 4 mph - 5 minutes

5 bicep curls
5 shoulder presses
5 hammer curls
10 chest presses 

Intervals - Treadmill
Run 6 mph/3 incline - 2 minutes
Walk 4 mph/3 incline - 2 minutes
Run 6 mph/3 incline - 2 minutes
Walk 4 mph/3 incline - 2 minutes
Run 6 mph/3 incline - 2 minutes
Walk 4 mph - 5 minutes

Legs & Booty
30 squats
Wall sit - 1 minute
30 hip thrusts

Plank - 1 minute 
Right side plank - 30 seconds
Left side plank - 30 seconds
10 sit ups

Cool Down - Treadmill
Run 6 mph - 5 minutes
Wall 4 mph - 5 minutes


Approx. 60 minutes, 500 calories burned!

And just for the fun of it, I threw in a progress picture!

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